Selasa, 19 Ogos 2008

PhotoShoot Kiki & Cheera

This xtvt have been done almost 3 weeks... Sorry cheera & kiki for late upload.. currently bz with wedding pictures...

Well, it was fun to shoot both of U, unfortunately, i can't join amrul for 2nd day to shoot at tmn bunga istana... however, i would love to do it again, to shoot both of U in the future... for now, this is the picture i show up, others, i'll upload later here or at my flickr...

Kiki & Cheera before shooting...


Kiki in green...

Kiki in nostalgia mood... 'skali mcm primadona dolu-dolu beb'

Thanks gurl for gimme chance to shoot both of ya...

8 ulasan:

Blog de Remerascopadas berkata...

Muy lindo Blog!!

Ceera berkata...

perghhhhh.. cantik ah..

tq sebab shoot gambar kita...

kasik curik eh.. =P

KiKiHanakO berkata...

pssttt cepat hantarin kesumanya.. hehe

thanx ya...

tak sbr nak tgok yng lain.. hehhe

~LIZA~ berkata...

nice :)

Tanpa Nama berkata...

amboi dah main blog spot sekarang..keke....kira jadi blogger la sekarang.nice captured bro

Unknown berkata...

buat wedding photog ye..

bleh bagi quotation..tgh carik photographer ni..majlis i kat JB

yusrihashim berkata...

ahh..nie yang aku kecik ati nie..shoot pemanis tak ajak..

Unknown berkata...

apsal aku taktau nih?